
A great resource for free eBooks. All legal.

I stumbled on a site called Packtpub.com where they release a free eBook for download everyday. Packt Publishing has a large variety of eBooks for sale on most technologies so go and visit the site to see what they offer.

You will be able to download a free eBook everyday after you have created a free account. Login every day to see what they have available as the daily download and if it’s a book that you are interested in, download it.

They also have specials running every now and then. For instance I bought a few video courses (yes they also have video courses available for purchase) for $5 each in December. Keep an eye on the site for any specials as well as any books you might be able to get for free or maybe for a bit cheaper than at other stores.

Please note this is not a paid post, I just want to share this resource with you as I have found quite a few gems on their site.