#100DaysOfCode,  Uncategorized

Day 1 of #100DaysOfCode

Today I started with the #100DaysOfCode challenge. The reason for starting the challenge is to force myself to code everyday and getting into the habit of coding.

The 1st project I started is to access my CCTV RTSP stream from Linux, using a Python program, since the system only supports Windows and an Android App that feeds the video to a cloud service which I am not fond of.

It took some time to figure out the correct RTSP URI format but I managed to get it working and using the RTSP library from PyPi I am now able to view a stream.

You can find my GitHub repo here. There’s still a lot of work and puzzle solving ahead but I feel confident that this is doable. Below is a gif of the RSTP stream in action. The full video is on my Youtube channel.

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