Python Humble Book Bundle
Hunble Bundle currently has a Python Humble Bundle running for ebooks on Python. The bundle starts at $1 for 4 ebooks and $15 for 13 ebooks. The books are all published by O’Reilly. Have a look at the bundles here and support a charity when buying one of these bundles. I have grabbed the large bundle and will do a few reviews in the future.
Today’s – Free Technology eBook from | PACKT Books
Statistical Analysis with R is today’s free eBook from packtpub.com Click on the below link to download the eBook. (You do however signup for a free account) Source: Free Learning – Free Technology eBooks | PACKT Books
A great resource for free eBooks. All legal.
I stumbled on a site called Packtpub.com where they release a free eBook for download everyday. Packt Publishing has a large variety of eBooks for sale on most technologies so go and visit the site to see what they offer. You will be able to download a free eBook everyday after you have created a free account. Login every day to see what they have available as the daily download and if it’s a book that you are interested in, download it. They also have specials running every now and then. For instance I bought a few video courses (yes they also have video courses available for purchase) for $5 each…