Hacking and Pentesting
TryHackMe Advent of Cyber 2024 has started
The yearly Advent of Cyber from TryHackMe has started. Think of the Advent of Cyber as the cyber security Advent Calendar but instead of sweets everyday you get to do a cyber security challenge and learn new skills, tools and technologies everyday. A new challenge will be released every day till the Join the TryHackMe Advent of Cyber to do these challenges everyday till Christmas and learn new skills with the chance of winning some prizes in the process. Check it out here.
SANS Holiday Hack Challenge 2024 is live
The SANS Holiday Hack Challenge for 2024 has gone live. This is a yearly capture the flag event which SANS hosts for free to join and capture flags by solving various Cybersecurity related challenges. For more information on the event, watch the video below and follow this link to register and hack away.
Meow – Hack the Box
Meow is the 1st box in Hack the Box Starting Point that you will encounter which is in the Very Easy category. To get the flag open up nmap and scan the IP using nmap -p- –open or just nmap or another popular flag is -sV to get the service version running on the open ports using nmap -sV (go and read up on nmap and the different flags) You will see a response such as below showing that port 23 is open: (Port 23 is used to telnet to a machine but it transmits data in clear text and should not be used in production) Now…