
  • Python,  Tkinter

    import Tkinter does not work in Python 3

    I am busy working through an older book called Tkinter GUI Application Development HOTSHOT by Bhashkar Chaudhary but the book is written for Python 2.7 I am using Python 3.10 and some of the statements in the book does not work for Python 3 so I will be posting the changes from time to time. The first issue I stumbled on is the import statement to import Tkinter. From the book you need to import it as:import Tkinter and this does not work in Python 3. in Python 3 use import tkinter (without the capital T) The test in IDLE as per the book will also fail for Python 3.The…

  • Python

    Getting dirty with GUI development

    Part of my degree studies are Python and then next semester includes GUI development using PyQt. So I thought why not get a head start as I’m wanting to build a few GUI applications for myself. I purchased Martin Fitzpatrick‘s “Create GUI Applications with Python & Qt5” eBook and videos and thus far having a lot of fun working through the book. The code is very well explained and the book is very easy to follow over all. Keep an eye for the review as soon as I’ve finished working through the book.

  • Python,  Studying

    print(‘JetBrains Academy’)

    I came across Jet Brains Academy this morning and started with their Python track. Thus far I am having a blast learning more about Python using their platform. They also feature a Java track that I will be looking at after completing the Python track. If you already use a JetBrains IDE like Pycharm then you are able to code the solutions to the questions from within your IDE. Other nice features I like are: Short byte sized lessons – pun intended Questions on the topics you just learned You can choose to start with the beginners project or jump ahead to intermediate or advanced projects if you are so…

  • Python,  Studying

    Lock down learning

    As most of us on planet earth are on lock down I thought that I’d have more time to learn more. For a start, Pluralsight has made all their courses available for free for the month of April and you do not need to provide credit card details when signing up. Personally I just finished Jessica McKellar‘s Intro to Python course on Oreilly which I really enjoyed. I’m looking forward to Jessica’s Intermediate course as she explains everything really well. I’m currently still studying for the RHCSA and doing Python courses on Pluralsight since it is free this month.

  • eBooks,  Python

    Python Humble Book Bundle

    Hunble Bundle currently has a Python Humble Bundle running for ebooks on Python. The bundle starts at $1 for 4 ebooks and $15 for 13 ebooks. The books are all published by O’Reilly. Have a look at the bundles here and support a charity when buying one of these bundles. I have grabbed the large bundle and will do a few reviews in the future.

  • Python,  Tutorials

    Another blog post on Python

    Just another heads up that I posted another blog post at ExchangeTimes.Net on how to make a specific Python version the default version on Linux. This is useful if you use one version of Python 90% + of the time and don’t want to specify which version of Python you want to run each time. You can find the post here.

  • Python

    Convert a PyQt ui file to a Python file on Linux

    Part of my Python programming module at Unisa is based on creating GUI applications using the Qt framework, PyQt5 to be more precise. Unfortunately the study guide is based on Windows and not everything works the same way on Linux. The problem I had was not converting the .ui file as saved from Qt Designer to the .py file but with opening and running the application. The first conversion I did was straight from the guide as per below:

  • Python

    Python from __future__ import syntax error

    At long last I got my Unisa registration for this semester sorted. Unfortunately I could only register for 2 modules (these cover C++ and Python) as it was extremely difficult to talk to a human at Unisa to find out what is going on. Anyway! Busy working through the text book for INF1511 (Introduction to Python Programming and Developing GUI Applications with PyQT) I ran into a problem with importing the division module/class(?) The import I need is for true division (from __future__ import division) and the book’s space are not really visible. I typed from__future__import division as per the text book and when I run the program received the…