import Tkinter does not work in Python 3
I am busy working through an older book called Tkinter GUI Application Development HOTSHOT by Bhashkar Chaudhary but the book is written for Python 2.7 I am using Python 3.10 and some of the statements in the book does not work for Python 3 so I will be posting the changes from time to time. The first issue I stumbled on is the import statement to import Tkinter. From the book you need to import it as:import Tkinter and this does not work in Python 3. in Python 3 use import tkinter (without the capital T) The test in IDLE as per the book will also fail for Python 3.The…
Free Reverse Engineering course
As you know I love Udemy and found a free reverse engineering course. Note that the course Reverse Engineering: Ghidra for Beginners is free to enroll for one day only. Find the course here and make sure you enroll before the time is up.
SANS New to Cyber Summit
SANS Institute is running a free summit called New to Cyber Summit from tomorrow which you can register for here.They are also running two CTF events, one for beginners and one for more experienced people. Two tracks will be running namely the Career Planning track and the Skill Building track. Some of the talks I am interested in are: Network Basics Introduction to Security Architecture Job role spotlight: Incident detection and response Intro to Social Engineering Infosec Snake Wrangling: Intro to Python The nuts and bolts of Cryptography and Everyday Cybersecurity You will also receive 6 CPEs for attending the summit. Hope to see you there!
Time to patch again
I did my first ever CTF this past weekend and had a lot of fun, met great people and learned a ton. Another post on that later. If you are running Windows and especially Exchange, then make sure to read the below article and patch your systems as soon as possible as 5 new 0 day vulnerabilities are patched with this week’s patch Tuesday from Microsoft. You can find one of the articles here which has more information and some information on patches that have been released from the likes of Cisco and Adobe. Remember to keep your software up to date.
CCNA course for free
Just found a free course on Udemy and thought I’d share the link. It’s available for free for one day only. Go to the CCNA 200-301 + Python Network Automation course and claim it for free after you logged in to Udemy.
Awesome Microsoft Defender for Endpoint resources
Just a quick post to share an awesome resource to skill up, refresh or learn more about Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. Check out the page here which has tons of information and links to resources that you might find interesting and / or useful.
Good bye 2020 and good riddance
It’s safe to say we all had a 2020 to forget and unfortunately 2021 did not start out so well for me either. But hey, it’s a new year and new plans. Yes I finally decided to pivot my career to focus on Information Security thus I will still be posting about my programming here as well as my Information Security journey and anything I find interesting around these fields. I just finished an edX module in C programming. I’m still focusing on Python and plan to write the PCEP exam in a few weeks time if I have the budget. Today I started reviewing the PCEP course ware in…
Getting dirty with GUI development
Part of my degree studies are Python and then next semester includes GUI development using PyQt. So I thought why not get a head start as I’m wanting to build a few GUI applications for myself. I purchased Martin Fitzpatrick‘s “Create GUI Applications with Python & Qt5” eBook and videos and thus far having a lot of fun working through the book. The code is very well explained and the book is very easy to follow over all. Keep an eye for the review as soon as I’ve finished working through the book.
Moved to new host and podcasts
It’s been a while since I posted as I wanted to first move this website to a new host as I was not very happy with my previous hosting company. At last the site and hosting has been moved and I can start blogging again. I will also start a podcast / vlog for this site where I will be talking about my projects, what I am learning or struggling with and anything else interesting to do with my journey to learn programming. Keep an eye out for when the first episode goes live, which should be soon.
print(‘JetBrains Academy’)
I came across Jet Brains Academy this morning and started with their Python track. Thus far I am having a blast learning more about Python using their platform. They also feature a Java track that I will be looking at after completing the Python track. If you already use a JetBrains IDE like Pycharm then you are able to code the solutions to the questions from within your IDE. Other nice features I like are: Short byte sized lessons – pun intended Questions on the topics you just learned You can choose to start with the beginners project or jump ahead to intermediate or advanced projects if you are so…