Getting dirty with GUI development
Part of my degree studies are Python and then next semester includes GUI development using PyQt. So I thought why not get a head start as I’m wanting to build a few GUI applications for myself. I purchased Martin Fitzpatrick‘s “Create GUI Applications with Python & Qt5” eBook and videos and thus far having a lot of fun working through the book. The code is very well explained and the book is very easy to follow over all. Keep an eye for the review as soon as I’ve finished working through the book.
Day 1 of #100DaysOfCode
Today I started with the #100DaysOfCode challenge. The reason for starting the challenge is to force myself to code everyday and getting into the habit of coding. The 1st project I started is to access my CCTV RTSP stream from Linux, using a Python program, since the system only supports Windows and an Android App that feeds the video to a cloud service which I am not fond of. It took some time to figure out the correct RTSP URI format but I managed to get it working and using the RTSP library from PyPi I am now able to view a stream. You can find my GitHub repo here.…